
  1. Siqing Zhuang, Yihua Liu* and Zhiyuan Xu. Method of Plotting Fundamental Diagrams of Waterway Trafffc Flow—Shipping-Lane Subdivision. 2024, DOI:10.3390/jmse12071163.
  2. Yihua Liu*, Xin Guo. Study on risk of ship collision in bridge life-cycle based on synergetic theory. Ocean Engineering. 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2023.116148.
  3. 刘轶华,许宁峰,李欣悦,庄思卿.混合交通流局面下智能船舶发展策略研究[J].交通运输部管理干部学院学报,2023,33(01):19-23.
  4. Yihua Liu*, Yu Ma. A Field Theory-Based Novel Algorithm for Navigational Hazard Index. J.Mar.Sci.Eng. 2023, DOI:10.3390/jmse11010178.
  5. YIHUA LIU*, Jingyan Zhang and Bo Tu.Algorithm of Ship-Bridge Collision Risk Considering Ship’s Dimension.J.Mar.Sci.Eng.2022,DIO:10.3390/jmse10111635.
  6. YIHUA LIU, TING WANG and HONGZHI XU.PE-A* Algorithm for Ship Route Planning Based on Field Theory.IEEE Access,2022,DIO:10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3164422.
  7. Yihua Liu, Yunlong Cheng, Bo Tu and Daiheng Ni.Level of Service Based on Fundamental Diagram of Wa-terway Traffic Flow.Transportation Research Record, pp.1–10,2022,DOI: 10.1177/03611981221088587.
  8. Liu Y, Wen J,Xu D, et al. The decoupled vector-control of PMSM based on nonlinear multi-input multi-output decoupling ADRC[J]. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2020, 12(12): 1687814020984255.
  9. Zhuang X, Yan K, Gao P, et al. On the Dragging Trajectory of Anchors in Clay for Merchant Ships[J]. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2021, 9(2): 118.
  10. Liu Y, Xiao Y. Risk degree of ship-bridge collision based on theory of ship collision avoidance[J]. International Journal of Control and Automation, 2014, 7(11): 289-300.
  11. 刘轶华,马利华,苑洋.基于灰色模糊的大桥对附近码头能力损失的研究[J].重庆交通大学学报(自然科学版),2020,39(07):108-113.
  12. 刘轶华,杨小军,肖英杰.Q-Max型LNG船舶靠离江苏洋口港模拟[J].上海海事大学学报,2014,35(03):1-6.
  13. 杜胜,刘轶华,陈茜,闫化然.基于遗传算法的开敞水域帆船航线规划[J].上海海事大学学报,2018,39(02):1-6.
  14. 郭杰,刘轶华,马利华.基于多模态快速非奇异终端滑模的船舶航迹跟踪自抗扰控制[J].中国航海,2020,43(02):7-13.


  1. Yihua Liu*, Siqing Zhuang, Rui Guo, et al. Research on the level of service of water transportation based on the perspectiveof traffic differences. The 7th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety, Aug 4-6, 2023, Xi’an, China.(EI检索)
  2. Yihua Liu*, Jinsong Li, Siqing Zhuang. Study on redefinition of traffic flow parameters and basic diagram based on ship scale. The 7th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety, Aug 4-6, 2023, Xi’an, China.(EI检索)
  3. Yihua Liu, Xin Guo.Study on Risk of Ship Collision in Bridge Life-cycle Based on Synergetic Theory.IABSE CongressNanjing 2022.(CA、EI检索)
  4. Yihua Liu, Jingyan Zhang and Bo Tu.Algorithm of the Risk of Ship-Bridge Conllision Considering Ship’s Dimension.IABSE CongressNanjing 2022.(CA、EI检索)
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